Help prevent your baby coming too early (premature birth)

Help prevent your baby coming too early (premature birth) 

Babies who are born too early can have many problems right from the start. 
In fact, many newborns die because they are born way too early. 
They’re simply not ready to be born. Some situations that put you at risk for premature birth are beyond your control.
 For example, moms who are under 17, over 35, or expecting twins can be at risk. 
Also, moms who’ve already delivered a baby early may deliver early again. 
But the good news is there are things you can do to help.
Just make sure to follow these healthy living guidelines: Get good prenatal care – Get care early. And go to all of your appointments. 
You don’t want to wait until later in your pregnancy to start seeing your doctor.
 Make healthy lifestyle choices – Eat well and don’t let yourself get stressed.
 You don’t ever want to smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. Take care of all your health issues – Tooth and gum disease or infections aren’t only bad for you, but can also affect your pregnancy. Make sure you talk to your doctor about all your health issues and conditions. If you’ve had a premature birth before and are now pregnant with one baby, you may be able to get progesterone shots. These shots, also called 17‑P may help prevent premature birth. Just talk to your doctor to see if this treatment is right for you. Key facts about premature birth A baby is considered premature when born before 37 weeks. And the earlier the baby comes, the more danger there is to the baby. If your baby is born too early, you can expect the following issues: Your baby won’t weigh as much as he or she needs to. This means they can’t keep warm by themselves nor have enough energy to eat and grow. Premature babies can be very sick and can spend most of their first year of life in the hospital. Premature babies may need special care throughout their whole lives. You should carry your baby as long as possible You want to give your baby all the time he or she needs to grow. It’s true that there are times a baby will need to be born before 39 weeks. But in these cases, early birth is for medical reasons. So if everything is going well, it’s always best to wait until your baby comes naturally. You shouldn’t induce labor between 37 and 39 weeks if you don’t need to. 
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