DIY Natural Diaper Rash Cream Recipe

DIY Natural Diaper Rash Cream Recipe

hey guys and welcome back today I'm sharing with you my recipe to make all-natural diaper bomb as a mom of four I definitely have had my fair share of diapering babies so I know exactly how I like it to be and I'm sharing my recipe so we're gonna get started by grabbing our ingredients these are all-natural and you can find these all on Vitacost that's where I get all of my like DIY products and ingredients so the first thing I do is I take my beeswax and I'm gonna melt that in a double boiler just till it's nice and liquid that I'm gonna go ahead and add in my shea butter and coconut oil I'll have a printable for this recipe too so if you guys want to check that out make sure you check the link in my description once that's all melted then I go ahead and add in the witch hazel also the calendula oil and then I'll go ahead and add in a little bit of jojoba oil I really like to get as many nutrients and benefits in this as I can and vary it up with the oils that I'm using I also add a little bit of vanilla extract just for scent because I want this to smell sweet and beautiful and after it has a chance to set you notice that it'll go from being  that clear yellow color it'll be more of a set white color and it melts almost instantly in your hands it rubs in beautifully if you guys liked this video make sure you check out my DIY whippedbody butter recipe or I've also got a really great recipe for natural DIYcandles so check those out and I hope you guys enjoyed thumbs up if you did don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you all soon bye guys 

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