natural baby care

Right From the Start

Your good diet and care during pregnancy give your baby a great start, and breastfeeding gives your baby great nutrition and protective antibodies for his or her first year and beyond. It's likely your baby will remain healthy and active throughout infancy and toddlerhood.
But even with a healthy baby you'll face choices for your baby's care. “Routine” things like well-baby checkups, vaccinations, and more all need to be considered.
Remember, your baby's doctor is an expert on health care, but you are the expert on your baby. Nobody will ever care quite so much about your child's health and well-being, and nobody is willing to research and learn as much as you are in order to care for him or her.
Trust your baby's doctor as an advisor, but be willing to research and discover on your own about any topic relating to your baby's health.

Routine Care and Minor Illness

You'll have to decide if you want your baby to go to routine well-baby checkups. Some families skip these, feeling comfortable that they know their baby is thriving. Families delaying or opting out of vaccinations often find little reason for these appointments.
I take my babies to well-baby checkups even though we don't follow the standard vaccination schedule. I like knowing my baby is growing well, and I like establishing a strong partnership with our family doctor. She's familiar with our family and our children, which is beneficial if we ever have an emergency or major illness. We see a a Doctor of Chiropractic with the whole family as well. These are just choices we've made for our family, and represent one possible option 🙂
We don't go to the doctor minor illnesses (in fact, our doctor has only ever seen us for well-child checkups so far!) Most minor illnesses can and should be handled at home, though it's always good to call your doctor if you don't feel comfortable with how your baby is doing.
As a parent, it's your responsibility to understand the basics of minor illnesses, what you can handle at home, and when you should call or go for help. Again, many issues can be handled naturally and safely at home. Some things, like fever, are beneficial for your baby's development as long as they stay in safe ranges (under 103F or so).


Vaccines are a major debate and deserve careful, individual research. More to come on this issue!

Alternative Medicine

Herbal remedies, essential oils, treatments like tepid baths and vaporizers, etc. can be safely used for older babies and toddlers as long as you understand trusted, safe remedies and contraindications (meaning when you should not use something).
Newborns can be treated with vaporizers, saline solutions, gentle suctioning, etc. for issues like a stuffy nose. Breastfeeding is the best “medicine” for babies this young. Chiropractic care is also appropriate. But other issues, such as fever, are often best addressed by a doctor when baby is so young.
More information on many alternative care options is coming!

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