Natural Baby Care - 5 Natural Ways To Bond With Your Baby

Natural Baby Care - 5 Natural Ways To Bond With Your Baby

There is not a time more magical than the first time you physically meet your baby. At that instant, the bonding begins. The early months of your baby's life are the best times to create a strong bond that lasts a lifetime. Babies rely on their parents' touch, transport and feeding for survival. Applying these five natural ways to bond with your baby ensure that these essential needs are being met.

  1. Breast feed your baby. Not only is the best way to nourish a baby is with the mother's breast milk, there is also no better opportunity to bond. Breastfeeding provides the baby with food, warmth, contact and love while creating a strong bond. Consciously make nursing a special time, ensuring you are in a relaxed state, enjoying the intimate and loving experience. In this relaxed state, enjoy the bonding that occurs as you love and nourish your baby.
  2. Wear your baby. Baby wearing is a great way to bond with your baby. Babies want and need human contact. Babies are happier and fuss less when in their parent's or caregiver's arms. Think of the sling as an "external womb." For nine months inside the mother's womb, that baby's system is automatically regulated. Going from the womb to the outside world temporarily disrupts the system. When using the sling and keeping your baby close to you, the baby is comforted by the mother's rhythm, her voice and her voice. With these familiar movements and sounds, the baby adapts more easily to the outside world. There is also more involvement with the world in the security of his mother's arms.

  3. Co-Sleep (safely) with your baby. As I have said before, infants need a great deal of contact and emotional support, even at bedtime. Whether it's safe bed sharing or room sharing, both allow bonding with your baby. It allows continuous touch, smell, movement and warmth of the mother. Not only is there bonding due to the closeness, it provides emotional security and makes breastfeeding easier.
  4. Touch your baby. With skin-to-skin contact (tummy-to-tummy or cheek-to-breast), heat naturally transfers from mother to infant. The sound of the mother's heartbeat, familiar to the baby from the womb, is soothing to the newborn. Stroking, touching or gently massaging your baby is very relaxing and therapeutic to your baby.
  5. Honor your gift, yourself and your partner. There is no experience like the joy of bringing a child into the world. Honor your blessing. It is essential to have people around you to support and assist you in your first weeks postpartum. Cherish these bonding moments. Rest when you can. Now is not the time to worry about maintaining a neat house or running errands. This time goes fast, savor it. Allow the bonds to form that will last a lifetime.
These five simple ways to bond with your baby should come naturally to you. Bond as much as you can in the earlier months of your child's development and watch them grow up to be healthy, confident and intelligent individuals.

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